Some claim this simple, ancient noodle dish was the original spaghetti with meat sauce. In fact, it is delicious made with spaghetti.
Before Cooking:
Stir together well in a small bowl:
1/2 cup Chinese black bean sauce
2 tablespoons sugar
Place on a saucer or small plate:
1/2 cup 2-inch pieces scallion
Have ready:
1 tablespoon toasted sesame oil
To Cook:
Heat a wok or large skillet over high heat. When hot, pour in:
3 tablespoons peanut oil
Swirl around the wok until very hot but not smoking. Add:
1 pound ground pork
Break up, stir well, and cook until the pork is well separated and no longer pink but not browned.
Add the bean sauce mixture. Stir well.
Add the scallions and sesame oil. Stir well.
Remove the wok from the heat.
While cooking the pork, bring to a rolling boil in a large pot:
4 to 4 1/2 quarts water
1 pound fresh Chinese egg noodles or dried spaghetti
Cook until softened. Drain and pour into a large bowl. If necessary, briefly reheat the meat sauce. Pour over the noodles and stir together well. Serve immediately.
To Serve:
Stir together in each of 4 small bowls:
1/4 cup red wine vinegar
1 teaspoon chili oil
Place on the table to be sprinkled onto individual portions to taste.